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PA Municipal Electric Association

PMEA Public Power Services Program

To enhance the quality and range of services offered to our member municipalities, PMEA is introducing the Public Power Services Program (PPSP). This program is open to all PMEA members for services related to public power only.


What is the Public Power Services Program?

The PPSP is designed to provide legal, engineering, and/or management related services to PMEA members. A member municipality is eligible for up to 3 hours of services from one of our partner providers, or a combination of partner providers, within a one year period. PMEA is pleased to partner with Utility Engineers, the Meyner Center, and Salzmann Hughes for this range of services. All services requested must be public power related.


Once the PMEA member municipality has the initial consultation and an estimate of costs for a specific project, the member may submit a request to PMEA to assist in funding a portion of the project costs. Members will submit the specific project and budget information to the PMEA executive director (via the form provided). All requests will be considered by the PMEA Board. PMEA has established a separate fund for this program and all requests related to public power will be honored until the allocated funds are exhausted.

Eligible Services:

All services listed below are examples and not meant to be limited in scope. If your municipality has a specific project/service need that is public power-related and can be addressed by one or more of our partner providers, it may be eligible.



Utility Engineers, PC

Services Consulting and Support Services including: Day–To–Day Technical Support & Guidance; Customer Support Services; Project Management; Field Support; Ordinance Review; and Borough / Customer / Power Supplier Project Review & Recommendation


System Design/ Development including: New Substations & Switch Stations; Substation & Switch Station Upgrade / Renovation / Expansion; Transmission Lines; Distribution Networks ; Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Governmental Systems; Large Power Revenue Metering; Green Power Generation– Photovoltaic, Wind, Battery, etc.; Material & Construction Specifications; Contractor / Vender / Manufacturer Solicitations & Recommendations; and Project Budgets / Cost Estimates


Studies & Planning Development including: System Operation & Maintenance; Long Range Planning;

Electric Rate Studies & Analysis & Comparisons; System Sectionalizing; Power Quality; Equipment Condition Assessment, Sizing & Recommendation; Maintenance Plan Development; and Reliability Improvement Planning Technology Implementation including: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA); AMI / AMR Metering Systems; Substation / Distribution System Automation; Protective Relay Upgrade; Load Control Optimization



Meyner Center

Executive Recruitment for Management Personnel - providing independent and unbiased, professional guidance in choosing both the procedure for recruiting your new electric department personnel and in the ultimate selection of the best candidate available.


Organizational Assessment - systematically examine a municipality’s operations as such relates to public power and to review its performance to determine current strengths and opportunities for improvement. This may include an analysis and/ or review of the management structure and profile; job descriptions; staff levels, assignments, and responsibilities of each department; annual budget format and review/approval process, monthly financial reports, and any/all capital improvement plans; investment strategy and cash flow analysis; system of financial checks and balances; and grant writing.


Financial Analysis - perform a financial analysis of the municipality and its electric department. This study could include an analysis of roles of staff in financial operations; handling of cash, including a review of the system of checks and balances; accounting and record keeping; identification of capital needs; and investment strategy and cash flow analysis.


Preparation of Strategic Plan: “Goals, Roles, & Expectations” - lead a discussion of the municipal elected board to help them to identify and prioritize short- and long-term goals for the municipality.



Salzmann Hughes

Salzmann Hughes is available to review any issues for which the municipal solicitors may want additional legal review. This engagement as special counsel can include reviewing electric system issues regarding billing and collection, the terms of power purchase agreements, territorial disputes, issues with PUC jurisdiction, property damage issues, and any other issues the firm may have expertise.


For the Public Power Services Program Request for Project Funding, please return the form below to PMEA via e-mail to Please retain a copy for your records as well.

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